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You’ll receive an email confirmation and additional information about the class when payment is received.

Note: because classes are kept very small, if you register for a class and cannot attend, a refund will be issued only if I am able to fill your space, in which case a $25 cancellation fee will apply.


Venmo Registration:


1.   Venmo the class fee to Katie-gilmartin

2.  Include a note with your email address, the name of the class you wish to register for and the start date.


Paypal Registration:


1.   Paypal the class fee to

2.  Include a note with the name of the class you wish to register for and the start date.


Check Registration:


Mail  your class fee with a note including your email address, the class you wish to register for, and the start date.  Please make your check out to Katie Gilmartin and mail to: 3124 Birdsall Avenue Oakland, CA 94619.  Kindly email me when you put your check in the mail, so I can hold your spot till it arrives.   




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